Source code for search_engine_parser.core.cli

		Making use of the parser through cli
from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from importlib import import_module

from blessed import Terminal
from search_engine_parser import __version__
from search_engine_parser.core.base import ReturnType
from search_engine_parser.core.exceptions import NoResultsOrTrafficError

[docs]def display(results, term, args): """ Displays search results """ def print_one(kwargs): """ Print one result to the console """ # Header if kwargs.get("titles"): print("\t{}".format(term.magenta(kwargs.pop("titles")))) if kwargs.get("links"): print("\t{}".format(kwargs.pop("links"))) print("\t-----------------------------------------------------") if kwargs.get("descriptions"): print(kwargs.pop("descriptions")) if kwargs.values(): for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v: print(k.strip(), " : ", v) print("\n") if args.rank and args.rank > 10: sys.exit( "Results are only limited to 10, specify a different page number instead") if not args.rank: for i in results: print_one(i) else: rank = args.rank print_one(results[rank])
[docs]def get_engine_class(engine): """ Return the Engine Class """ try: module = import_module( "search_engine_parser.core.engines.{}".format( engine.lower())) return getattr(module, "Search") except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): sys.exit('Engine < {} > does not exist'.format(engine))
[docs]def show_summary(term, engine_class): """ Show the summary of an Engine""" print("\t{}".format(term.magenta( print("\t-----------------------------------------------------") print(engine_class.summary)
[docs]def main(args): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches """ Executes logic from parsed arguments """ term = Terminal() engine_class = get_engine_class(args.engine) if args.show_summary: show_summary(term, engine_class) return if not args.query: print("--show-summary or --query argument must be passed") sys.exit(1) # Initialize search Engine with required params engine = engine_class() try: if args.clear_cache: engine.clear_cache() # Display full details: Header, Link, Description start = results = args.query,, return_type=ReturnType(args.type), url=args.url) duration = - start display(results, term, args) print("Total search took -> %s seconds" %(duration)) except NoResultsOrTrafficError as exc: print('\n', '{}'.format(
[docs]def create_parser(): """ runner that handles parsing logic """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='SearchEngineParser', prog="pysearch") parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action="version", version="%(prog)s v" + __version__) parser.add_argument( '-e', '--engine', help='Engine to use for parsing the query e.g google, yahoo, bing,' 'duckduckgo (default: google)', default='google') parser.add_argument( '--show-summary', action='store_true', help='Shows the summary of an engine') parser.add_argument( '-u', '--url', help='A custom link to use as base url for search e.g') parser.add_argument( '-q', '--query', help='Query string to search engine for', ) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--page', type=int, help='Page of the result to return details for (default: 1)', default=1) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--type', help='Type of detail to return i.e full, links, desciptions or titles (default: full)', default="full") parser.add_argument( '-cc', '--clear-cache', action='store_true', help='Clear cache of engine before searching' ) parser.add_argument( '-r', '--rank', type=int, help='ID of Detail to return e.g 5 (default: 0)') return parser
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) main(args)